Balanced BST
are height-balanced trees that ensures nearly half of the data is located in each subtree
BST Rotations
- BST rotations restore the balance property to a tree after an insert causes a BST to be out of balance.
- Four possible rotations: L, R, LR, RL
- Rotations are local operations
- Rotations do not impact the broader tree
- Rotations run in O(1) time
- Theses trees are called AVL Trees (Adelson-Velsky and Landis)
AVL Tree
- is an implementation of a balanced Binary Search Tree (BST)
- An implementation of an AVL tree starts with a BST implementation and adds two key ideas
- Maintains the height at each node
- Maintains the balance factor after insert and remove
AVL Insert
- Insert at proper place
- Check for imbalance
- Rotate, if necessary
- Update height

AVL Remove

B-Tree Insert