Lettuce seed germination

  1. Temperature: 15 - 20 Celsius degrees
  2. Duration: after 7 to 10 days, it germinates
  3. Right amount of sunlight
  4. Enough moisture

2~3 tiny leaves —> trim (thining)

What to do in which period

Day 0: lighting is maintained at 50 PPFD with a photoperiod of 24h. Temperature is 20C. Seed tray is covered to ensure a high relative humidity. Day 1: A fertilizer is added 24 hours after sowing. (EC: 1200 uS/cm, ph: 5.8, T: 25C and 250 PPFD)

Day 2: remove humidity cover.

Day 3&4: Removing double seedlings

Day 6: Increasing watering frequency

Day 11: leaves are beginning to overlap. Transplant


Temperature for Lettus: 24 C Day/19 C Night

Water Temperature No higher than 25C, cool at 26C, heat at 24C

Relative Humidity minimum 50 and no higher than 70%

Carbon Dioxide 1500 ppm if light is available, ambient (~390 ppm) if not

Light 17 mol m-2 d-1 (PPFD) combination of solar and supplemental light

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the Water: DO levels should be greater than 4 ppm (parts per million) to prevent growth inhibition

Ph to 6.4 for seedlings or 6.0 for mature plants.