Calcium deficiency in plants : affect newer leaves and other new growing points of the plant, resulting in new growth that looks withered, stunted or twisted; tip burn is also common.
Magnesium deficiency in plants : the lower, older leaves look chlorotic between their leaf veins, where the leaf becomes pale while the leaf veins remain green.
Sulfur deficiency in plants : appear at the top of your plant in its newer leaves, which will take on a chlorotic appearance - pale green that eventually turns to a deep yellow.
Iron deficiency in plants : younger and emerging leaves that take on a paler or yellow colour while the leaf veins remain darker.
Zinc deficiency in plants : affects the newest leaves of your plant. You can expect to see interveinal chlorosis, where the leaf turns yellow while the veins remain green.
Boron deficiency in plants : affects your plants' roots and shoots, where roots become thick and short with swollen root tips
Copper deficiency in plants : affect the newer leaves at the top of the plant as well as growth points. leaves can take on bluish-green tint and display interveinal chlorosis, where the leaf turns yellow but the veins remain green.
Manganese deficiency in plants : Interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves, where the leaf will turn pale or yellow while the veins remain green.
Molybdenum deficiency in plants : lower, older leaves of the plants, which begin to take on a mottled yellow colour at the edges. The rest of the leaves may take on a light green